Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Injection

I had been feeling pretty down since my best friend, Ted, moved away to military school a few weeks ago. It was so sudden, I just went to his house one day and his parents told me he wasn't there. I haven't even had any contact with him since apparently they don't allow any communication with outsiders. It sucked so much! Then one day while I was home alone, I heard a knock at the door. I answered it, only to be immediately assaulted by a huge man in dark clothes. He put a rag over my mouth and I felt dizzy. He dragged me to a nearby van and threw me into the back. He called out to the driver "Yo, this the kid?". 

The driver turned towards me and his eyes lit up with recognition. "Yeah that's the one. Good job". He looked a bit familiar but I lost consciousness before I could figure it out. 

When I came to, I was laying on a lumpy bed in a sterile white room. There was nothing else in the room, and only one exit which was locked. I sat around for what felt like hours, trying to make sense of the situation, before the door finally opened and the driver walked in. His clothes were skin-tight, I could see every contour of his muscular body. I felt too intimidated to talk until he knelt down in front of me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and yelled "Why am I here!?". 

He stared me in the face and said "They wanted you for an experiment". 

"Why me?" I asked. 

He sighed and replied "I'm so sorry, they said I had to choose someone or else they'd take it away from me and I can't let them do it". 

"Who's they? What will they take? Why?".

The man raised an eyebrow and said with surprise "You really haven't guessed? Do you know who I am?". 

I stared into his strong, stubbled face and saw that familiarity again. But I shrugged and replied "I dunno, are you Ted's uncle or something?". 

He smiled softly and said "Something like that. Look, all I have to do is give you this injection and it will all be explained. Don't worry, everything will be fine". 

I eyed the door and wanted to make a break for it but I knew there was no chance I'd escape. And even if I did, what would I do? I didn't even know where I was. I teared up and sniffed, begrudgingly nodding as he pulled out a needle filled with a lucid green liquid. He swiftly jabbed it into my arm and left the room before I could say anything else. Left to my own thoughts again, I thought about Ted. Maybe he ended up in the same position as I was in now, injected by his uncle. What if something went wrong and that's why I hadn't seen him in weeks, that he was killed and his parents made up the military school story? 

I was feeling queasy now and my body was aching all over. It felt like I was having multiple growing pains at once. In fact, I could actually see myself growing! I told myself that was impossible but I watched dumbstruck as my limbs painfully stretched like taffy while my torso jolted upwards like a jack-in-the-box. I ripped my clothes off as they were too constricting, revealing my cock hadn't been left out of the game. My groans of pain suddenly dropped a few octaves as my adam's apple jolted out. I had stopped growing taller now and was experiencing a whole new kind of pain as I exploded with muscle. My arms inflated with dense mass while my thighs swelled out to inhuman proportions. My chest expanded and my stomach deflated with every deep breath I took. I was gritting my teeth and tears streamed down my cheeks, just wishing it would stop. Luckily, the process seemed to slow down allowing me time to focus. I laid on the floor covered in sweat and breathing heavily while I tried to make sense of what had happened. A final shiver through my spine signalled the end, all that pain just vanished. 

I eventually stood up, feeling a lot heavier than normal, and ran my large hands over the huge mounds of muscle I'd acquired. I stroked my face, feeling rough stubble covering my round cheeks. I was unpleasantly surprised as I move my hand up and felt a smooth scalp. Every single hair had fallen out in clumps splayed across the floor. I was both terrified and amazed at how I'd grown, but I knew I couldn't stay in the room any longer, I needed to find answers. I turned the door knob and found it unlocked. I briskly walked through a small passageway, opening into a tiled room. Inside, I came face-to-face with the driver who was waiting for me. I yelped and hid behind the wall in embarrassment, only to see he was just as nude as I was. He threw a bottle of murky liquid at me and said "Drink this, you'll need it after what you went through". I gulped down the contents in no time, wincing at the terrible taste. He smiled understandably and continued "You're really going to feel it tomorrow morning, I could hardly move for days after my injection". 

My eyes widened and I exclaimed "They did this to you too?". 

He chuckled and said "Of course! I really thought you'd of figured it out by now, I mean we haven't seen each other for weeks". 

It finally clicked in my head and I said "Ted? Ted! But how?". 

He leaned against the wall and crossed his arms casually. "My parents signed me up to a specialised military programme that wanted to make the perfect soldier. I went in thinking it'd be an intense training programme but they totally Marvel'd it. One moment I'm a short, pudgy weakling and the next I'm this huge, muscled stud! They ran some tests afterwards and declared me a success. Everything was fine but they wanted more test subjects. Nobody else was signing up. Eventually, they threatened me with a downgrade if I didn't find someone else, I wouldn't of brought you into this otherwise". 

I looked down at my perfectly sculpted body and said "No, I'm glad you did. I mean it was a horrid and scary experience but the results... Damn, it's just incredible, we're just like Captain America! But..." I rubbed my smooth head. 

He laughed and said  "Oh it's just a side effect of the injection, it'll grow back along with the rest of your body hair. Though I like being smooth all over, just accentuates the muscle you know?". He flexed his body as if to prove it.

I leaned against the wall and said "So what now? Is there an initiation or lecture or something?". 

"Well they'll want to run a few tests to make sure you're as perfect as me, but I do have a little initiation of my own". He grabbed his swelling cock, giving me a sultry smirk. 

I grinned and turned back down the corridor, calling back to him "I know where there's an empty room".