Monday 21 November 2022

Rough Day

Matt had been having a rough day. He forgot his homework was due, getting him detention for the week. Then he lost his lunch money to a faulty vending machine. And to top it off, he tripped on his own shoelaces during gym, face-planting in a pile of mud. He had never felt so humiliated, he was already preparing to have a fake sick day to avoid going back the next day. 

So when he returned home after detention to discover his dad was already home, he was a little suspicious. His dad never left work early. He was in the kitchen, waiting beside two empty mugs. "You okay, little man?" he asked just as the kettle reached a boil.

"I guess," Matt mumbled as he dumped his backpack and jacket on the floor. "I just had a bad day at school..." 

His dad sighed, and grumbled. "I know the feeling..." He turned around and picked up a mug billowing with hot steam, and passed it to his son. "Maybe a good cup of tea will make you feel better."

Matt grabbed the mug and gave it a sniff. It smelt sweet and fruity, with a little hint of something smoky. He wasn't much of a tea drinker, or any hot beverage really. But after the day he had had, it was nice to have a little treatment.

Sunday 13 November 2022

Grandfather Clock

Tick...Tick...Tick... Greg stared at the grandfather clock with a frown, his arms crossed. The mystery of the clock had consumed him for the entirety of his stay at his grandpa's house. It ticked, which would usually mean it worked. And yet the hands had been stuck at 1:30 all weekend. Whenever he got close, his grandpa would shoo him away, warning him not to get too close. But why did he care? It didn't look fragile or expensive, unlike the other antiques in the room.

Greg stood in front of the clock, watching the pendulum swing left to right. Its incessant ticking taunting him. It was clearly working, so why was the time completely wrong? He looked at his phone to see that it was many hours out of time. If only he could nudge the hands to the correct time, it might restart and begin working once more. But his grandpa... Thinking on it, he hadn't seen or heard his Grandpa Drew all morning. He slunk through the house, looking for the old man, eventually finding him dozing outside with the morning newspaper resting on his belly. Greg grinned, this was perfect!

He rushed back to the clock and gingerly placed a finger on the wooden panel. Then his whole hand. Then the other. Greg smiled mischievously. He was touching the grandfather clock and his grandpa wouldn't even know! As long as he kept his grubby fingers to the wood and not the glass, he wouldn't risk leaving a stray fingerprint. Now all he had to do was adjust the time. He reached up on his tiptoes, and pushed against the minute hand to move it backwards. Yet try as he might, it just wouldn't budge. Gingerly, he nudged it forwards, and the hand moved! Doing so made a weird tingle go down his back. He chocked it up to the thrill of doing something against the rules.

Sunday 6 November 2022

A Tough Decision


Ethan was lounging outside, enjoying the warm morning sun, when he heard the patio door open. He opened his eyes, and turned to see Bruno stomp out with a mug of coffee, and proceed to collapse into one of the outdoor sofas with a long sigh.

"Phew! I'm so glad it's the weekend," Bruno mumbled after taking a sip of coffee. "Who knew that having a job could be so tiring."

"You're the top executive in your company, how can you be tired?" Ethan questioned accusingly. "All you do is sit at a desk, and hold meetings. Nothing like me..."

"Hey! I also do other stuff!" Bruno growled, rubbing at the back of his neck, working out a kink. "It's just tougher at my age. Being in your fifties can be such a drag... Not that I'm complaining!"

"Well, you did make that decision yourself, you know."

"Yeah, yeah..." Bruno smiled wistfully. "But I could still do with an extra day to relax." Suddenly, he snapped his fingers, his leathery face stretched into a grin. "Hang on, I'm basically the boss! From now on, we're going to have a four day week. It's the future, you know."

"I don't think that's how-"

"And there's only one way to celebrate such a momentous decision." He grinned as he leapt to his feet, and reached for a humidor hidden inside of an outdoor cabinet. Inside were a selection of fine cigars.

He took one from the top, then turned to Ethan and held the box out to him. "Don't think I forgot about you."

"I don't know if I should, it's not even noon..."

"C'mon, just one little cigar. I know you want to."