Friday 24 February 2023


Want to be bigger? CLICK HERE!

Jerry stared at the ad on his phone. He only wanted to look up a walkthrough to a game he'd gotten stuck on. Then the video he'd chosen was interrupted by an ad break, as was typical. However, the ad choice was unusual. Even weirder, it didn't end. There was no timer counting down the remaining seconds. No X to close that would resume his video. Despite the irregularity, Jerry remained transfixed by those six simple words.

Because of course, he wanted to be bigger. It was his strongest desire, one he hadn't told anyone before. Not that they'd be surprised. What eleven-year-old didn't want to? And here was this intrusive advert, just begging him to interact. He knew not to click on dodgy links, that was basically Internet Safety 101. Yet, that innate desire of his, to be bigger than he was, it was too much. He squinted his eyes, and tapped the glowing link, before releasing a breath he didn't even realise he was holding. 

As the page loaded, Jerry dwelled on his predicament. It just wasn't fair. He was the shortest kid in his class. He was the thinnest, too. His best friend used to be as short as he was. Then he had a major growth spurt, leaving him in the dust. Everyone seemed to tower over him. His dad would always laugh it off, saying he was also the runt when he was the same age. But now he was tall, and broad, and so much bigger than everyone else in the family. It just wasn't fair, he'd waited years for that hypothetical growth spurt, when was it even going to happen? He wanted to be bigger now!

Finally, the website loaded. It was a garish looking piece of work that Jerry would have immediately backed out of, were it not for its promise. Still, it looked like it was made by an amateur in the early days of the internet, with pixellated GIFs, bold colours, and mismatching fonts. In the centre was a single message.

Do You want to be BIGGER? The biggest in your CLASS? In your SCHOOL?? Even bigger than your DAD???

Follow our INSTANT embiggening plan below!!!


Jerry raised an eyebrow. That was a little too specific, almost as if it were aimed at him. But surely he wasn't the only one... With a small bit of hesitation, he tapped the blue link. As the page loaded, his phone sparked. He jumped back in shock, dropping it on the floor. He slammed a palm into his forehead, why would he do something so foolish!? Had he busted his phone? Was it now a virus-ridden block? His parents were gonna ground him for a year! It was a hand-me-down, too... Carefully, he picked the phone up, and sighed in relief. The screen still worked, and it wasn't cracked either. The website now displayed a progress bar. 


Wednesday 1 February 2023

Tānetanga Beach

Louie grumbled to himself as he forked several banknotes over to the scruffy cashier in front of him. Sunscreen, bottled drinks, snacks, beach towels, even a tacky inflatable toy. His son had somehow forgotten to pack everything required for their visit to the beach. Then instead of staying with him, Sean decided to run off and find a spot on the beach while he paid for the lot. 

When he booked a getaway to New Zealand, Louie specifically chose a quiet looking town within the Bay of Plenty, wanting to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the bigger, more populated cities. However, it seemed the entire country had the same idea, as the summer vacation crowds became apparent. It was Sean's desire to visit Ōhope beach in particular. There had to be countless, beautiful coastal areas further afield. Yet here they were, mere yards from their hotel, in what appeared to be a locals hotspot.

As Louie left the gift shop, he swept his head left and right in search of his son. But it was no use, there were too many people. Thankfully, he'd stuck Sean's phone on a location tracking app, just for emergencies. He opened it up, and frowned. That couldn't be right. According to the little dot, Sean was on the other side of the forested headland west of the beach. Sure enough, as Louie approached the hill, there was a wooden pathway up and into the forest above. He climbed the stairs with a grumble. Why was Sean sending him on a wild goose chase? 

Following the directions on his phone, Louie came to an abrupt halt. The manmade path continued to the left, but a wilder, natural path led straight ahead. The only sign of civilisation were several signs stuck in the ground, and hammered to trees. They were grimy and faded, but the message was clear; don't pass this point. He looked at his app, and cringed. Sean was on the other side of those signs!