Monday 21 November 2022

Rough Day

Matt had been having a rough day. He forgot his homework was due, getting him detention for the week. Then he lost his lunch money to a faulty vending machine. And to top it off, he tripped on his own shoelaces during gym, face-planting in a pile of mud. He had never felt so humiliated, he was already preparing to have a fake sick day to avoid going back the next day. 

So when he returned home after detention to discover his dad was already home, he was a little suspicious. His dad never left work early. He was in the kitchen, waiting beside two empty mugs. "You okay, little man?" he asked just as the kettle reached a boil.

"I guess," Matt mumbled as he dumped his backpack and jacket on the floor. "I just had a bad day at school..." 

His dad sighed, and grumbled. "I know the feeling..." He turned around and picked up a mug billowing with hot steam, and passed it to his son. "Maybe a good cup of tea will make you feel better."

Matt grabbed the mug and gave it a sniff. It smelt sweet and fruity, with a little hint of something smoky. He wasn't much of a tea drinker, or any hot beverage really. But after the day he had had, it was nice to have a little treatment.

He took his tea up to his room and sat down. He gave it a precursory sip, the flavor was subtle and warm on the tongue. He approved of it. It wasn't long before he'd drunk the entire cup. And not long after that, he felt peculiar. And very itchy. He'd never felt so itchy in his life. He scratched at his body with a passion, worry flashing across his face. Of course he was having an allergic reaction. Just another thing to add to the list... He'd never had one before, yet it was the only explanation he could conceive. Even now, his entire body felt bloated, like he was outgrowing his clothes. He had to take off his shirt in case it got too tight, followed by his jeans. He didn't want to lose consciousness, after all.

 "Dad!?" He cried out into the hallway. "What was in that tea? I think I'm aller-GIC!" He yelped, and covered his mouth as his voice cracked. "Dad...?" He froze up. His voice was low and gravelly, not the middling, crisp tone he was used to. Then underneath his palm, he felt something shuffling underneath. He yelped again, his voice still comparatively deep, and slapped whatever was on his face. Until he came to realise it wasn't a fuzzy creature, it was facial hair! He could feel the wiry hairs clinging to his cheeks, and bristling around his lips. Giving a slight tug only confirmed its place on his chin.

Matt sat frozen in fear on the end of the bed. What sort of allergic reaction could give him a beard? He groaned as his body creaked upwards, adding inches to his height, and pounds to his frame. All the while, that incessant itching came ever present as pinpricks of black hair burst free across his arms, and legs, a thick bush rapidly spilling out of his tightening underwear. What was happening to him? 

His thighs had grown so meaty that it felt like his underwear was cutting off circulation. Quickly, Matt ripped them off, and allowed his crotch to breathe. He was surprised at the sight of his lengthening, dangling penis. If we weren't facing such an awful reaction, he might have been excited to be so well endowed. But the thick, black hairs sweeping across his bare body stole most of his attention. They were gathering around his chest now, forming a line down his stomach, and into the wild bushel of hair that surrounded his mighty cock.

And with a final itch across his upper back, it appeared that things were coming to a close. He couldn't believe it, he was so hairy. It was everywhere. Not to mention so big, in more ways than one. As he stared down, dumbstruck by his body, he heard his bedroom door open. He scrambled for a pillow to cover his crotch, as if that was the most important thing he had to hide from his dad. However, his jaw dropped as, lo and behold, in came... Himself?

No, the teenager at the door looked like his twin, but there were some little differences. The shape of his eyes, the length of his hair. Also, he had a telltale birthmark on his arm, a purple mark that he'd only ever seen on anyone else. "Dad!?" he growled in disbelief.

"Not anymore, I'm not," the teen said with a cocky grin. "I think you'll find we've had a bit of a role reversal."

"What does that even mean?" he barked, his deep voice sounded more authoritative than usual. "Why do you look like me? Why am I so hairy?"

"I look like me when I was your age. If anything, you looked like me... I suppose you still do, in a way. Only, as you say, hairier. I suppose that's your mom's side of the family..."

"Why are you so calm about this? I'm a frickin' monster!"

"No you're not, you're a man." His dad sat down on the other side of the bed, and rubbed his hands instinctively. "I'm sorry, Matt, but I gave you that IdentiTEA for a reason..."

"Identity...?" Matt mulled it over in his mind, until it clicked. Of course, the tea... He knew there was something up with that tea. They never had tea, why would his dad suddenly have tea except for some nefarious purpose.

"I got it from a specialty shop earlier in the week. If you share a brew between two people, they'll swap lives down to the letter. I've been having a rough time at work, you see. Really rough... I wanted a break from all the gossip, and drama, and overtime. Of course, I wanted to properly explain before giving you the option, but seeing you come home so down in the dumps, I figured you could do with a change as well..."

"You saw me upset about school, and thought I'd prefer being a man with even more responsibilities?"

"It was selfish of me, I know... but I wanted to be young again. And we can always swap back. I think... There are more tea bags, after all. They wouldn't sell them in packs otherwise." His dad rubbed at his unruly curls with a sheepish grin, while Matt frowned at the possibility that they could be stuck in their altered lives. "Sooo... I'll leave you to it, huh?"

His former dad left the room, leaving Matt alone. Despite the bombshell, he actually felt a little relieved. Discovering he'd just become a hirsute man his dad's age was admittedly better than assuming he was going to die from an allergic reaction. Although now he had the small problem of being a single dad in his late thirties with an office job he knew nothing about. At least at school, he was still learning.

Matt stroked his beard in thought, appreciating how tugging on the soft hairs seemed to calm his mind. He then rubbed his hands through his body hair, trying to get used to the odd phenomena of his fingers tugging on the follicles. It may take a while, he mused, but it did make him feel funny. He could feel himself getting harder, his cock pressing against the pillow covering his crotch. He tossed it aside, and raised an eyebrow. He could worry about tomorrow later. For now, maybe he wanted to live in the moment.


  1. Love this story! Sequel please!

  2. If my friend turned into such a hot dude when I was a teen, I would bend over so fast.

  3. Thank you, I have a continuation in mind. But it would be with other characters, it's a one-off otherwise! And I have no specific ages in mind. Just young teen and late thirties 😅
