Thursday 12 December 2019

Santa Hat 12

All was busy at Matty's house as their family Christmas gathering was underway. Relatives of all ages were spread throughout the house waiting for the signal they could all exchange gifts; when Uncle Jim came down the stairs decked out like Santa. Little Matty was especially excited, he looked forward to the theatrics every winter. But this year, he had a special goal in mind. He sat waiting at the foot of the stairs for his uncle to come by and popped the question. "Uncle Jim, do you think that this year, I could wear the Santa suit? Pretty please?"

Jim stroked his large beard in thought. "I don't know... It takes a big man to fill those boots. Heck, I barely fit into the suit. Though that's because I've gotten a little too big over the years..." He slapped his big belly for emphasis.

With a frown, Matty whined "Come on, I wanna be Santa this year!"

"Hold on...". Jim grabbed the Santa hat off his bald head and placed it on his nephew's. It slipped down past his ears and covered half his face. Jim chuckled, his belly shaking, and said "Sorry buddy, looks like you have some growing to do before you get to wear the suit! Maybe next year."

Matty pulled the hat back to sit on his head and flared his nostrils in annoyance. Jim squeezed upstairs to get prepared for his act, leaving Matty alone in a huff. Not big enough... His uncle was such a large man, he'd never achieve such a size in time. If only there was a way to get big quickly... Alas, nothing came to mind. Still fuming, Matty muttered under his breath "I wish I was big enough to wear that suit..."

The moment he finished his sentence, he felt weird. Like an overstuffed turkey. Worried, he rushed upstairs and into the nearest room, which happened to be where Jim was getting ready. He was about to question why Matty had appeared, when he too began to feel weird. Like a deflating balloon. They both stood frozen on the spot and watched as the other began to change.

Matty felt dizzy as he shot up in height like a beanstalk, reaching a height of 6 foot in mere seconds. Scared, he yanked off his clothes, knocking the Santa hat to the ground in the process. Not a moment later, his stretched out, lanky body inflated with thick muscle that near enough tripled his width. As he stared at his added bulk in wonderment, a mild tickle spread across his body as plenty of black follicles poked out and covered his chest and stomach with a widespread carpet of hair. As his round cherub-like face toughened and squared up, his hair shortened to a high and tight with a close fade on the sides. A slight feeling of fatigue swept over him as fine wrinkles crept across his face, his skin grew weathered, his remaining hair significantly receded and thinned, and his newfound muscles softened with age. He felt a sharp pain on his arms as a pair of tattoos inked themselves into his skin. His transformation was finally topped off as a dense beard sprouted out of his face with a sneeze. He wiped his nose, hand meeting fur, and his eyes widened in excitement. Matty looked around for a mirror then grinned at his reflection, his teeth barely visible through his facial hair.

Meanwhile, the changes were reversed for Jim. He felt a mild pain as his treasured tattoos were erased from his skin. Before he could react to that, his bald head abruptly sprouted a thick mane of hair that hadn't been possible for him to grow in years. As he grasped at the shaggy mop in surprise, it was followed by an even more impossible feat as his bulbous belly rapidly and comically deflated in size until he was thinner than ever. He reached down and patted at thin air where there should have been his stomach, eventually digging a hand underneath his baggy shirt. He was stunned to discover he felt taut, smooth skin. His thick body hair had shed, leaving him smoother than silk. His beard followed suit, the hairs vanishing and exposing a baby face that hadn't been seen in decades. Finally, he felt a turn in his gut as he shrank several inches back to barely half his original height. He didn't know how to react, hopelessly flailing about in his tent of a shirt.

The changed men stared at each other in silence until they each exclaimed over the other.

"Holy crap you're huge! You're like a muscle mountain! And I'm... I'm young again... I can't believe how small I am and- Woah! I can see my feet again! It's been years since I could do that without leaning over! I feel so light, and full of energy... I feel like I could run a marathon! I've missed feeling this carefree!"

"Oh my gosh, you're a little kid again! You look so cute! Wow, is that my voice? It's sooo deep! And I'm so big, and tall, and look my my muscles! I actually have muscles, and they're huge! And I got all this hair everywhere, which feels weird! I even got a beard and tattoos just like you had! It's so cool! Being an adult is awesome!"

The two of them stop yelling about their bodies long enough for them to realise that maybe this wasn't the best thing to happen at a family event. Jim stroked his beardless chin and said "While this is all very exciting, we can't stay like this. People will notice something's up." He looked up at his tall and muscular nephew and continued "I don't know what you did, but you have to undo it!"

Matty looked confused and said "Me? I don't know what happened! But I don't want to change back, I like being big... Hey, I'm big enough to be Santa now! Just like I wished!"

"I understand you don't want to..." Jim started to say before stopping mid-sentence. He watched Matty slip on his leather gloves for size before picking up the pair of red pants on the bed. Flabbergasted, he asked "Did you say you made a wish?"

Matty nodded his head. "Yeah, I wished I was big enough to wear the Santa suit and now I am!" Matty slid the pants suspenders over his shoulders before it hit him. "Oohh, wait... I guess it is my fault...". He sat down on the bed and rested his bearded chin on his upheld fists. His large pecs rested on his hard stomach. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make a proper wish, and I really didn't know you'd be affected too..."

Jim patted his broad-shouldered nephew and said "Well I'm not complaining. I haven't been this small or this slim in decades. and I do like not having any back pain. I feel like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders, literally! Plus, it means you get to wear the Santa suit."

Matty looked up, his eyes dazzling. "You mean it!?" he cried, leaping to his feet in joy. He grabbed the Santa hat laying at his feet and shoved it back on his head with a goofy grin.

"Sure, it's not like I can wear it any more. I reckon I'm about the same size you used to be. We'll figure out how to swap back afterwards. Just don't try to upstage me, it is my act after all."

Matty pointed finger guns at his uncle and replied "You got it, buddy!". He put on the rest of his outfit, and was pleased to discover it was a perfect fit. He posed for little Jimmy who gave him a thumbs up before pushing him out the door with a sack of presents. Straightening his hat, Matt cleared his throat and prepared to play the role he grew up to play.

After his nephew left, Jimmy slipped out of his massive shirt and gathered up the former kid's discarded clothes, relieved to find that they were the right size for him. Outside the room, he could hear a loud "HO HO HO!" followed by a muffled cheer. Jimmy smiled and shook his head a little. He couldn't see them swapping back anytime soon, if at all. Still, he was happy to be the little guy again if it meant his new Uncle Matt was enjoying himself. He ran out of the bedroom, desperate to join the festivities.

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